Behold: The creation process of a new Wobbly Model Syndrome comic! This is my little leather book I always carry with me. If some new idea pops up in my head, I write it down with a few sketches and words. Then - when that comic's time has come - I get my iPad and start drawing. Once every panel is finished, I upload them into PhotoShop to add colour and text.

The pictures below show the first few sketches of comic #90, together with the finished result.
A picture my wife took while I was drawing a new comic on my iPad. Relaxed
My little brothers-in-law made this Wobbly Model from copper wire :D I thought it was cute
I used the last days of my vacation well and finished some models from my Coven Army.
First, my Grotesques. I'm pleased with how they turned out. It's a scary unit with dynamic poses. Gotta love those Crypte Horrors :)
And then, the first finished Ravager. Or Carditis Engine, as I like to call them (Carditis is the inflammation of the heart). Gotta love online medical dictionaries :D
I uploaded this one today because I'll be going on vacation for a few days - which means I wouldn't be able to upload a new comic on wednesday.
Today, I added some more gadgets to the online store: mouse pads, backpacks, key chains and iPad cases. They are available to order, starting....NOW!